Queen Neelah Co-Directors: Sabrina Overfield and Ellie Chickadonz
Candidate Co-Chairs: Melissa Small and Hillary Sutherland
Publicity: Cody Rodriquez
Summer Fashion Workshop: Lisa Hugo and Kathy Clapp
Neelah Debs: Julie King and Amy Reichenberger
Stage Escorts: Lori Schabel and April Nut
Talent: Amy Shrum, Mindy Blackard, Angela Smith
Judges: Gina Botts and Gina Linn
Queen's Tea: Shannon Oakes and Gina Messenger
Coronation: Kim Goodman and Heather Bryant
Coronation Dance: Stacy Near and Pili Barker
Pre-Parade Breakfast: Dana Froebe and Tabatha Snodgrass
Brunch: Becky Thorenson and Becky Lanning
Pop Party: Melody Moore and Ashley Moore
Buttons: Amy Bales
Interview/Runway/Walk-In: Sandi Johnson and Zoedy Schnurbusch
Transportation: Michelle Smith and Hannah Yannez
Queen's Scrapbook: Angela Renfro
Window Display: Donna Janasek and Tiffany Flatt
Data Sheet Workshop: Laura McClure