Now let’s find the medallion. In each clue you found the name of a person or place. We are going to use one letter from each name or place to find the medallion. Here we go.
Clue One-Second word-fourth letter, Clue Two-First word-fourth letter, Clue Three-First word-third letter, Clue Four-First word-fourth letter, Clue Five-First name-second letter. THAT IS YOUR FIRST NAME.
Clue Six-First name-first letter, Clue Seven-Last name-third letter, Clue Eight-First name-first letter, Clue Nine-First name-second letter, Clue Ten-Last name-second letter, Clue Eleven-First word-third letter, Clue Twelve-First word-seventh letter. THAT IS YOUR SECOND NAME.
Clue Thirteen-Last name-first letter, Clue Fourteen-Last name-third letter, Clue Fifteen-First name-second letter, Clue Sixteen-Last name-second letter, Clue Seventeen-First name-second letter, Clue Eighteen-First name-seventh letter. THAT IS YOUR THIRD NAME.
The Neewollah Medallion can be found at the location of the FIRST NAME. The FIRST NAME can be found between the SECOND NAME and THIRD NAME. In your quest for the medallion you have already been to the location twice. Have Fun.